Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Arbor

We have been busy at the Sparks Nest. Every year I add something to the yard.
One of the things we added was this beautiful wood arbor. 
We used to have a metal one here but this one really changes the look in front.
We also add several new plants to the beds every year.

The mums were from last fall and I was surprised to see that they are already blooming

I have no idea what the yellow flower is but it is beautiful. And these beauties on the deck draw the butterflies every day all day.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Love me some butterflies

Look at all these beauties hanging around my yard.

I have planted lots of flowers to attract them this year and it looks like it has worked. Looks like they enjoy the wet sand area by the retaining wall too. As long as they flutter around my yard they can hang wherever they like.