Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kitchen update

Finally decided on a color for the kitchen. Extra virgin olive oil! The painting is done, the backsplash is up and the chairs have pretty new skirts on them. I LOVE IT ALL!!! Only thing left to do is put in a new sink and maybe custom shelves for the open pantry.

Beller's did an awesome job on my chairs. They look amazing!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New again.....

Thought I would share a sneak peek at my latest project.
She wasn't very pretty BUT she was FREE. Some of the glass was broken and needed replaced and she was DIRTY. I spent a weekend prepping her then it was time for the magic. PAINT.
The blue looks really bright in this pic(so do my walls) but it's really a beautiful teal. I love it. The outside is painted gray which I already had so I only spent $ 6 on paint. This makes the hubby really happy. I have new glass being cut for the shelves and front. She is going to be BEAUTIFUL when I'm finished.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A brand NEW YEAR

A brand New Year and that means a nice shiny new day planner. I'm like a little kid with new school supplies. I would be lost without my planner. And I know some of you like being all digital but I'm a paper girl. I love the whole idea of picking out a planner heck I LOVE office supply stores. And now that there are pretty girly supplies that makes it even better.
I'm ready to start filling this baby up.

And full it will be. My niece Emylee is getting married, lots of home projects, and of course the first grand baby makes his or her arrival this year. I'm ready and excited!
So get ready the Sparks Nest is going to have lots to blog about this year.
What are you looking forward to this year?